Feb 14, 2006

the impossible map

The impossible map is the result of an assignment: create an index of a personal map.

After all, what is a map ? a way to organize information... How would MY map be... what do I need in my map ?

Usually when people thing about maps, they think about territory, space, the world, a country, a city. But there's so many kinds of maps...

Can our emotions, memories, perceptions be mapped ?

For The impossible map I used a map of the sky, the stars, there's our macro-cosmos. I used the map of shiatsu meridians of the human body, all the energetic channels that connect our internal organs with ourselves and the world. I used a map of the brain, the neurological system who commands our movements, actions, thoughts, memory -- what would we be without memory ? In the upper center I have a picture I took from the airplane, we are inside the clouds, but we can see land, the geography of an unknown place -- we never know exactly where we are when we are in a plane, we are just on the way from point A to point B. At the center (down) I put an image of a microscope, the particles we can't see, the micro world that we are made of. Then I have a map of Philadelphia in the background, that's where I am now. In the corner on the left I have a map from Lisbon, my home town, this map is not detailed, shows some distance, but the blue of the ocean is a strong appeal. In the yellow corner I have the map of the subway of Tokyo, the place where I want to go next, it's a complex world this map, mysterious, full of promise...

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