Jun 30, 2007

trajectos | passages | day 5


Using a map of Lisbon downtown that I downloaded from Google Earth I created a trajecto, a passage through, a roundish line of red dots. I don't have any idea about the correspondence of those places in the map and the real places. My assignment is to go to the marked places I made in Photoshop and take a picture. Then I will upload those pictures into the web using Panoramio so you can have access to my itinerary on Google Earth. I'll put the photos on Flickr as well, both are sharing applications.

This morning I was online signing up to Panoramio and Flickr as a painter would be preparing his canvas. Those applications will be my canvas. Doing a little research online I found out a name that fits this concept:

Says Wikipedia: "GeoTagging, sometimes referred to as Geocoding, is the process of adding geographical identification metadata to various media such as websites, RSS feeds, or images. This data usually consists of latitude and longitude coordinates, though it can also include altitude and place names."

My photos will be a geo-perceptualTagging. This is a bit like a game. I'm curious.

I'll be doing that for the next couple of days, keep tuned!

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