this is south London underground art scene. I've been working so much since I moved into London last September and recently I was introduced to these squat parties. Feeling a bit like Alice in Wonderlands. it reminds me an apocalyptic dream I had long time ago where I was seeing a huge wave covering the city, I saw it coming and I dreamed about the after wave, mud, angels dancing in a trapeze, harsh music, but there was also something good and meaningful between people, some very human feeling. I have that same feeling in these parties full of raged and melancholic clowns and fallen angels floating in bended dreamy beats... smiling.
I just opened a book called 'Gravity's rainbow', can't really understand the story line yet... read this bit!
" All over Europe, it came to him one night in a flash, at this very moment, are hundreds, who knows maybe thousands, of people walking around, who have been struck by lightning and survived. What stories they could tell! (...) Well, it's a matter of continuity. Most people's lives have ups and downs that are relatively gradual, a sinuous curve with first derivatives at every point. They're the ones who never get struck by lightning. No idea of cataclysm at all. But the ones who do get hit experience a singular point, a discontinuity in the curve of life - do you know what the time rate of change is at a cusp? Infinity, that's what! A-and right across the point, it's minus infinity! How's that for sudden change, eh? Infinite miles per hour changing at the same speed in reverse, all in the gnat's-ass or red cunt hair of the ∆t across the point. That's getting hit by lightning, folks. You're way up there on the needle-peak of a mountain, and don't think there aren't lammergeiers cruising there in the lurid red altitudes around, waiting for a chance to snatch you off. Oh yes. They are piloted by bareback dwarves with little plastic masks around their eyes that happen to be shaped just like the infinity symbol: ∞.
(...) Between congruent and identical there seems to be another class of look-alike that only finds the lightning-heads. Another world laid down on the previous one and to all appearances no different. Ha-ha! But the lightning-struck know, all right! Even if they may not know."
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