Jul 2, 2007

trajectos | passages | day 7

Alice would follow the rabbit... but we live in a different time...


when you arrive there, you can see all the photos, or just open the SET (icon on your right) for this particular GEOtagging piece. There you can see it as a slideshow or you can go directly to the Map (click here to jump directly into the map) and see the photos located in there. You can choose 'Satellite view' or 'Map view' (if you want the name of the streets). or 'Hybrid'. I suggest that you make the maximum close-up possible on the map so you can have a clear picture of the entire trajecto.

- if you feel lost now, please read the previous posts or just follow the map and try to figure out what's going on--- this is the result of 'GEOtagging Lisbon downtown' assignment

Monday morning:
It was a funny walk in a Monday morning. There was not that many people on the streets and stores were opening up, cleaning. I had my printed map and tried to follow it as close as possible. In each place I had to choose where to look, some points didn't had nothing particularly interesting but I always found a little something, that's the interest of this game, to find and to create in the same movement.

Private map:
I just did a 'private' map tagging the pictures of my walk into Flickr map. (not yet on Google Earth - I think I will make a different walk for Google, so I don't have the feeling of repeating myself). If you compare the map I designed before (the one with the red dots) you'll see that the latest one it's not so roundish and smooth... which is actually normal, reality is always harsher and surprising.

Suggestions to use:
1) print the map from Flickr where the images are located. Go to the street and make your own walk following the map. I'm sure you'll see different things even if you go to the same places I did.
2) design your own map and take your own pictures - it can be in Lisbon downtown or any other downtown of the world. If you like, share your pictures, send a link through this 'blog comments' or using Flickr
3) when my photo walk will be on Google Earth, you'll be able to follow the map, for instances, on your mobile phone, you just need to have an internet connection. Eventually you can use a GPS system as well.

as you can see TRAJECTOS is growing, disseminating, migrating through the web, it has a moving, opened, changeable form.

more tomorrow!

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